Today, I am excited to introduce you to Courtney and her husband of Three Suns Wood Co. Courtney is the sweetest and we hit it off right away. Her affirmation blocks are on the website, and let me tell you, the quality is amazing! Such a unique and special gift. Keep reading to learn more about their business!

What made you start your business?
I met my husband at a very young age (I was 15 and he was 16), so we've had the good fortune of growing up together. Over the last 18 years, Tyler was always tinkering with a project. Whether it was building a custom wooden desk for his at-home office, creating a gorgeous farmhouse table for our first home together, or working on custom wall trim designs and replacing our old furniture tops with custom oak tops, he was always creating. This type of wood working was new to me, but as I grew up alongside him and we began our lives together as husband and wife, I began to take an interest in wood working as well. We worked together to design our custom basement trim and our youngest son's nursery trim, and we built our very own balance beam for our older boys when we didn't find one that we really loved for the price. Instead of saying, "I can make this," we started saying instead of buying something, "let's make it!" Thus Three Suns Wood Co. was born :)
Biggest struggle in your business?
By far, the biggest challenge is time. My husband works full time in a career he really loves, and this small business is a side hobby. I also made the choice to be a stay at home mom after my first was born so that I could be fully present during these fleeting and important years. It's really difficult for us to always find the time after making sure all of our other responsibilities are taken care of to get into our woodshop. We truly do love what we do, and we have a lot of fun doing it together, so we have that going for us, but you can often hear me saying "Gosh, I wish I could have a 28 hour day so that I could get another chunk of time in!"
Biggest accomplishment so far?
We've long had the pipe dream of opening up an Etsy Shop, and we made that dream a reality late 2022. It felt so incredibly vulnerable to put ourselves out there, but I'm so glad we did. When we talked about taking a leap of faith, and almost not doing it, for fear of rejection or judgement, I immediately thought of what I would tell our three boys if they came to us with the same sort of situation and then we immediately had our answer. I knew we would tell them to not let the fear of failure stop them from every trying something they believed in and found joy in. So we went for it, and I sure am glad we did. Shout out to my girl Jill for being our first ever order! We love you, Jill!
What is your favorite product you make/sell?
I love making our affirmation blocks because there are so many unique ways families, parents, and friends have been customizing them for their loved ones. We pour so much of ourselves and our hearts into these blocks knowing how special they are to so many people. I just love 'em. I also absolutely love designing new cutting board designs and working on custom board orders. We are currently working on making an end-grain cutting board cover for a steamer which is more of a challenging project, but one we can't wait to put together for our client.
What is your best selling item?
Our affirmation blocks are a fan favorite! We currently customize all affirmations for free and will also be listing block sets where you can send in a pdf image of a handwritten note to be engraved on our blocks. The sky really is the limit for how you can customize a unique block set for you or a loved one.
Thanks Courtney!
You can find them on Instagram at Etsy at the following links: